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The Hustler's Manifesto

It's time to take back control of our work, worth, and wisdom.

The blog + newsletter where we jailbreak from toxic hustle culture by building better, more resilient businesses.

Competitors Are Your Greatest Untapped Asset

Oct 14, 2024

Thinking about your competition can feel incredibly threatening to even the most seasoned entrepreneur. We like to think that our product, service, or skillset is unique. When we see someone doing...

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Why Freelancers are Recession-Proof (And how to turn uncertainty to your favor)

Nov 15, 2022

As we stare down the barrel of another recession, I am incredibly grateful that I work for myself.

When you work for other people, you put your life in their hands. When you lose your job, you...

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Funnels Aren’t for Freelancers. Here’s a Better Strategy.

Nov 29, 2021

Freelancers tell me all the time that they want “better” clients. Clients who value them, pay them what they’re worth, and give them the freedom to do what they love. Clients...

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