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Episode 26: Financial Planning for Solopreneurs with Ryan Page

I had a great time talking with Ryan about all things soloprenuer finances.

Ryan is a solopreneur finance expert who is committed to helping business owners understand their numbers and feel in control of their money.

He grew up in Southern California and went to college at Arizona State University where he graduated with a Master's Degree in Accounting and started down the typical accounting path, working in Big 4 accounting firms, earning his CPA, and working for Fortune 500 companies.

However, as he got deeper into the corporate path, he began to feel empty. Like the work he was doing was valuable, but providing no value. He realized that a deep value for him is making an impact in his professional work. There are business owners out there that don't understand their numbers and he is committed to filling the role of helping them understand.

Over the years, one thing has become clear… he loves diving into confusing situations and forging a way forward. Money is relevant to everyone's life, and he loves how intertwined it is with emotion. He is committed to helping everyone he encounters feel in control of their money.

Connect with Ryan:

To learn more about Sarah, go to www.fruitioninitiatives.com. For early access and transcriptions, subscribe at www.thehustlersmanifesto.com


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